I will be among the first to admit I was wrong. When I was told #SegWit2x I thought there would be consensus in everyones best interest, but over time learnt this wasnt the case. In the long term, I hope you all can see my (and most of our) intentions were good. I <3 #Bitcoin
— Charlie Shrem (@CharlieShrem) November 9, 2017
It would've been nice if you had figured that out months ago, instead of wasting countless hours of developer time.
— Vake (@vakeraj) November 9, 2017
how can we trust people like you if you lied about consensus? you didn't follow the BIP process of SCIENCE/CONSENSUS. you almost rushed a HARD FORK costing billions of OTHER people's money. and wasted time/energy/money of others the past 6 months. someone lied about consensus
— Hunter Shields (@huntershieldz) November 9, 2017
Charlie I watched documentaries about you when i was learning about bitcoin. I made my girlfriend watch. You were a hero for me. If i see you I WANT to take a picture with you.. But I was devastated to know you supported #segwit2x
— ARD (@ar_d2012) November 9, 2017
Charlie I have always knows you have a good heart. You can't be against bitcoin ...you are indeed a leader.. love you all you do 4 btc
— Chris Ani (@Christianani1) November 9, 2017
We know what you did. and we love you.
— 1X Gonzo (@gonzoucab) November 9, 2017
You're a good man.
— A. Hannan Ismail (@A_Hannan_Ismail) November 9, 2017