先日、Jaxxが同社のウォレットへのMoneroの採用を発表した。Twitterに投稿されたツイートによれば、近い将来、プライバシー保護を重視したコインであるMoneroを採用する予定のようだ。 過去に審査が厳しかったことで有名なiOSとApp Storeを含む、Jaxxがサポートする9つのプラットフォームすべてにおいて今回のMoneroの採用が行われることになる。 DecentralのAnothony Di Iorio CEOは、Twitter上で今回のMonero採用はApp Storeでのリリースされるものにも行われる点に言及している―
Anthony Di Iorio News
Anthony Di Iorio is an entrepreneur, manager of meetings, public orator and ideological leader in the sphere of decentralized technologies. He was born and grown in Toronto, Canada and got a degree in trading and digital technologies from Ryerson University. Di Iorio is the founder and president of Jaxx — a virtual cryptocurrency storage company — and besides that, Anthony Di Iorio is the Ethereum project co-founder, together with Vitalik Buterin and three other co-founders. The most significant event held by Anthony Di Iorio was the Bitcoin Expo 2014 in Canada. Since 2012, Di Iorio has visited over 100 events related to cryptocurrency technologies, performing as one of the main speakers there. The main direction of his professional activity is consulting on investments in ICOs.