~$500M worth of UNI has already vested to the Uniswap governance community treasury out of $4b total (based on current price)
— Hayden Adams (@haydenzadams) January 18, 2021
What are some of the most impactful ways governance can allocate this UNI?
Dream big
Start a VC firm called "Uniswap Ventures" and invest that money into new crypto projects. Once that $500M becomes $500B, we can buy space shuttles and organize space tours for lucky uniswap users.
— Cihan (@cihan_oztunc) January 18, 2021
一方、Mrquet Exchangeの共同創設者であるエミリアン・ボナジ氏は、Uniswapがレイヤー2スケーリングソリューションの開発を加速するために投資するべきだとツイートしている。
That would be a big balls play lol. Buy up 51% of Sushiswap's MC and force a merger of the two.
— Samuel Shadrach (@SamuelShadrach4) January 18, 2021
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